Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas Parties

Well I managed to lose 4 pounds this week. Which is not healthy, but I was pretty sick at the end of the week which is why that came about. That's what I hate about living on campus is how easy it is to get sick. I did reach my end of the semester goal though, a solid 2 weeks early. I was a little bummed about that because it wasn't as a result of working hard, it was a result of getting sick. Oh well, I still worked hard the rest of the semester and that's all that matters.

Anyways, it's officially my favorite time of year. Aside from finals, the period of time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is the best. It's exciting and honestly people are so much nicer. With this season comes Christmas parties which are equally awesome. Last night was my first one of the season and I was the co-host of it! Lots of fun to see friends that I do not see every day and eat some yummy snacks. So how do you eat right at a Christmas party? Honestly, it requires a lot of planning so here are a few little tips I discovered.

Plan ahead of time
If you know what food is going to be offered, great. Decide what you want to eat and stick to it. As the case often is though, you won't know what food will be offered. In that case it may be more ideal to give yourself some limits. Like, only one glass of punch and water the rest of the time. Or only a few cookies. Something you can plan ahead of time and be expected to stick to.

Don't fill up the whole plate
When you pick up a plate, it is so tempting just to fill the whole thing up with food. For some reason, our brain just sees something empty and decides it needs to be filled. And then we obviously have to eat everything on that whole plate. Not a good idea. It's difficult, but try to fight the compulsion to fill up the plate. Try to consciously pick a fraction of the plate to fill up, and stick to that.

Choose a small plate
I have been to parties where they have large plates as the appetizer plates to accommodate the food there. Pick the smaller plate, for the same logic as above. 

Everything in moderation
It's almost Christmas, so enjoy this time. In moderation, having some sweets to celebrate this season is not a bad idea at all. Don't be too hard on yourself about what you can or cannot eat. Have some cookies, drink some hot cocoa, and have fun.

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