Sunday, November 11, 2012

Eating Right

While getting exercise is a good idea when losing weight, eating right is even more important. What really made the difference for me was when I realized that I could not just eat whatever I wanted and expect to lose weight because of 30 minutes spent at the gym. 
Such a silly thought, but it’s a very common one.

So, how do you eat right on a college meal plan? I'll give you a run down of what has been working for me.

For breakfast, I typically have a piece of fruit and a piece of toast or oatmeal. The natural sugar in a piece of fruit in the morning really helps curb sugar cravings throughout the day. And of course fruit is good for you too. I also only stick to whole wheat bread and have a piece of toast in the morning. It stores energy and that’s useful for long days that are common in college. Or I’ll sometimes have one serving of oatmeal with my piece of fruit mixed in. And only real oatmeal, not the prepackaged stuff that’s full of sugar. And of course my cup of coffee—gotta have it!

If you don’t want to be lazy like me and buy all of this so that you can eat it in the quiet of your room in the morning, most dining halls do offer fruit and whole wheat options as well. But don’t skip breakfast! Skipping breakfast causes your body to think that you are not going to feed it, and it stores fat just in case. Not a good plan.

I love vegetables. I can eat a bag of carrots the same way I can eat a bag of chips. So, it just clicked for me to make most of my meals vegetable based. Not all places on campus have good tasting vegetables; it really takes an effort to figure out where they cook them well and where they don’t so much. A lot of my lunches incorporate my main entrĂ©e as a salad with a little bit of oil as a dressing. Of course, protein is important too so I normally include some grilled chicken or almonds in the salad as well. Lean meat is definitely a good choice when trying to eat right. Most dining halls have salad options and I definitely am blessed to be at a school that has delicious salads at most of the dining locations.

Again, I try to make my dinner pretty vegetable based with some protein mixed in. Sometimes it will be another salad or there’s nights like this one where I scrambled an egg and had some carrots and grapes. It’s all about finding balance and eating what your body needs. It is also important to have red meat of course so once a week I try to have some hamburg or some other red meat in place of my lean meat. 

Again, I reiterate the fact that it is never a good idea to skip meals because all that will do is confuse your body and counteract all of the work you are trying to do. From my experience, I can fully sympathize with how difficult it is to really focus and be honest with what you eat. I'd suggest keeping a food journal and writing everything down from what you ate to how much you ate. Food journals really help you evaluate where you are making bad decisions and help you stick to your commitment. 

I really hope this helped, it is good to look around and see where your school offers the best healthy options and really take advantage of those! 

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