In all honesty though, I have really pushed the pace on my interval runs and really began focusing on speed with my outdoor runs and trying to find the right balance. Sometimes I will go way to fast in my first mile (helloooo 8 minute mile last week), then be so exhausted at about mile 2.5 that I just D-I-E and contemplate whether it's even worth finishing the last mile or so of my run. Ugh. Lucky for me, the race is mostly flat, save a few small hills which is nothing not only compared to my hilly campus (it's called Hill City for a reason folks) but also in comparison to my crazy first race.
Even though I really began training a couple of weeks ago, I didn't consider it to be legit training until I did my first "training run" with Deana at the gym on Sunday. Now it's official. Now I'm getting pumped. And nervous, but not nearly as much as last time. I'm excited to have someone there with me and someone to train with this time around!
Side note: I have never been much of a sweet tooth until these past 2 months. Now it's like my sweet tooth is back with a vengeance for restricting it so much when I was shedding the el-bees. I want everything Oreo, all the time. I had Oreo fro-yo on Friday and an Oreo milkshake Saturday (which was easily the most delicious milkshake of all time). I didn't even like oreos that much until a few weeks ago. And donuts. Wow, I did miss those. I also had one on Saturday and one on Sunday as well as a mountain of chocolate that one of my friends
Good thing I eat more balanced during the week. Better yet, good thing I run!
And I'll leave you with some pretty pictures of Virginia in the spring. Since these pictures were taken, a good six inches of snow was dumped on the ground. Bipolar weather, I tell you.
This is literally the morning after the other pictures...snow falling as I get my coffee and donut fix. Sweet. |
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